Macarena Neighborhood
Seville Old Town
The Barrio de la Macarena, within the so-called Casco Antiguo of the formerly walled city, happens to be the most characteristic and also the oldest suburb of the city, since its antiquity comes from Roman times, and apparently also its name, that it would come from Macarius-Ena or "property of Macario", referring to the place or farm where a tower is still conserved and where a roadway or road led from a city gate, which over time was called Puerta de the Macarena.
Contrary to what is commonly thought, the neighborhood does not take its name from the venerated image of Esperanza Macarena, but it is this Virgin who, having an invocation to Esperanza, takes the name of the neighborhood as a reference. The Almoravid walls are made from the first half of the twelfth century with lime and pebbles and reach a thickness of two meters. These walls have surrounded Seville until the middle of the 19th century. At present, the Muralla de la Macarena is the only canvas of large sections that are preserved in the city of Seville.